Adirondack Camp of the RockWilmington Holiness Camp Grounds

Brief History


     A group of believers gathered in the early 1900's, soon after they had experienced the joy of heart-cleansing, the baptism with the Holy Spirit.  They started meeting each summer at a camp in a field  that had been donated by one of the founders. That was 1905, and now over 100 years later, the Wilmington interdenominational Holiness Camp Meeting Association is still going strong.  A committed group of volunteers sponsors the camp, lovingly preparing and operating the Camp Meeting each year.

Who we are

     Our current Camp Meeting is run by the Wilmington Holiness Camp Association made up of 15 trustees and our current, acting president Helen Patnode.  Vice President Joyce Terry.  Beyond the trustees, but equally as important, are our camp association members comprised of a number of denominations loyal to the holiness lifestyle.  Our heritage is rich with the holiness community and devoted members to keeping the camp alive, through good times and bad.  We are devoted to our youth and are continually trying to raise them in the lifestyle that seems to be much less seen in today's age, a life of holy living in a community of believers reaching out to our chaotic world.

     We gather once every year to worship and come together as a body with an invitation to all we come across, no matter the denomination, or lifestyle formerly lived.  We make no distinction between race, age, color, denomination, believer, or non-believer.  All are welcome here!  During our annual meeting time we gather every evening, usually for about 12 days, for services held in our camp ground tabernacle to hear the word of God and worship as a community of believers.  Cabins and tent space are available to all who want to stay the night or the week with servings of home made meals morning, noon, and night in our camp ground dining hall.

     Another big part of the Wilmington Holiness Camp Meeting is our program for the youth, teens, high schoolers, kids in the community, to attend for about 5 days.  We seek to reach out to the youth and promote a holy lifestyle of living and offer them friendships with other youth in the area with a number of activities and services held for them to come together and have a great time.  The cost is low but the experience is priceless, no one leaves camp meeting the same, the life experience given here makes better lifestyles and character for us all.